Visualization of information and knowledge to communicate social sciences research results

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Taimé Mayet Comerón
Isabel Alonso Berenguer
Alexander Gorina Sánchez


The visualization of information and knowledge enables an understanding of the hidden meaning of the information that is not directly apprehensible from the data, processes and phenomena, facilitating the obtaining and communication of relevant research results. However, the application of its methods and techniques in the training of social science professionals is still insufficient, which has limited their research performance. The objective of the article was to base a theoretical model of the dynamics of training in information and knowledge visualization for the communication of research results in the social sciences. The research methods used were content analysis of relevant theoretical sources and systemic modeling with a holistic-configurational approach. The main result of the modeling is to have revealed as a regularity the dialectical relationship that is expressed between the selection of information and scientific knowledge to communicate and the systematization of its optimal visualization. It is concluded that this regularity is a necessary and essential condition for the development of the visualization of information and knowledge competence for the communication of research results in the social sciences.


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How to Cite
Mayet Comerón, T., Alonso Berenguer, I., & Gorina Sánchez, A. (2022). Visualization of information and knowledge to communicate social sciences research results. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(3), 772–789. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Taimé Mayet Comerón, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba

Departamento de Eventos, UO. Profesora Auxiliar. Máster en Gestión de Procesos Universitarios Formativos. Licenciada en Comunicación Social.

Isabel Alonso Berenguer, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Licenciada en Matemática. Metodóloga de Posgrado, Vicerectoría de Investigación y Posgrado de la UO.

Alexander Gorina Sánchez, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba.

Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y Técnicas. Profesor Titular. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Licenciado en Matemática.


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