Map reading: an essential skill in teaching Geography

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Benito Bravo Echevarría
Ariel Bravo Echevarría


In this article a methodological appoach is presented to develop the ability of reading a map in the teaching-learning process on Geography of Cuba in 6th grade with a developing conception which seeks to reach a developing learning of this subject ́s contents . An analysis of the structure of the ability is carried out. This process focusses on the students, who play a protagonist role when participating in a reflexive and active way, reaching an adecuated development of the logical thought, controlling and self-controlling his own learning with a constant self-perfectioning, autonomy and self-determination. An activity for working on maps, based on this developing conception, is also show n in this article.


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How to Cite
Bravo Echevarría, B., & Bravo Echevarría, A. (2008). Map reading: an essential skill in teaching Geography. Mendive. Journal on Education, 6(2), 119–125. Retrieved from


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