From traditional learning to Flipped learning as a continuity of the educational process in the context of COVID-19 / Del aprendizaje tradicional al aprendizaje invertido como continuidad del proceso educativo en contexto de COVID-19

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Leodanny Wuilber Polanco Garay
Dailien Moré Soto


This health crisis that impacts the entire world has caused an enormous opportunity in teaching to rethink the way in which the teaching process is conceived and exercised, to reflect on where and how it is taught and to improve both dimensions of educational practice when it is resumed the presence. Many teachers and students had to relearn a new way of accessing knowledge and interacting in cyberspace. The objective of this work is to present the experience of using the inverted learning method in the continuity of the subject "Introduction to Computer Science II", taught to first-year students in Faculty 3 belonging to the University of Computer Sciences, in the current context of COVID-19. In this process, support spaces were generated for the students, didactic materials and other results were obtained, such as comprehensive attention to the educational needs of the group and of each student in particular.


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How to Cite
Polanco Garay, L. W., & Moré Soto, D. (2021). From traditional learning to Flipped learning as a continuity of the educational process in the context of COVID-19 / Del aprendizaje tradicional al aprendizaje invertido como continuidad del proceso educativo en contexto de COVID-19. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(1), 214–226. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Leodanny Wuilber Polanco Garay, University of Computer Science

Informática. Profesor


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