Construction of hypertexts for the career of Engineering in Agribusiness Processes in distance education

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Milagros Socas Reinoso
Alexis Torres Alonso
Boris Pérez Hernández


At the Agrarian University of Havana, since 2016 the first experiment has been carried out for the implementation of the Distance Education Model of the Cuban Ministry of Higher Education in a career with an agricultural technical profile. For this, the career in Agro-Industrial Process Engineering was selected. The production of hypermedial resources for this modality constitutes an element that highlights the approved model. The present work, in correspondence, had the objective of making a diagnosis of the construction of hypertexts aimed at distance education, in the career of Engineering in Agroindustrial Processes. The operational definition of the fundamental variable was started and the dimensions and indicators associated with it were determined. Subsequently, the analysis of various applied instruments was carried out: observation, analysis of user registries, semantic Osgood differential, semi-structured group interview and focus group, which allowed the analysis of the behavior of the study variable. Finally, from the analysis of the applied instruments, the force field analysis and the cause-effect diagram or Ishikawa fishbone were performed. It is revealed in all the processing, the existence of deficiencies in the construction of hypertexts associated with the preparation of teachers and the command of hypermedia language.


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How to Cite
Socas Reinoso, M., Torres Alonso, A., & Pérez Hernández, B. (2020). Construction of hypertexts for the career of Engineering in Agribusiness Processes in distance education. Mendive. Journal on Education, 18(3), 629–646. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Milagros Socas Reinoso, Universidad Agraria de La Habana

Asesora del Rector

Alexis Torres Alonso, Universidad Agraria de La Habana

Director de Grados Científicos

Boris Pérez Hernández, Universidad Agraria de La Habana

Director del Laboratorio de Tecnología Educativa


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