The integrative exercises in the discipline of Investigative Labor Training in the speech therapy career

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Miladis Fornaris Méndez
Félix Lázaro Huepp Ramos


The training of a competent professional requires an organized, scientific and systematic process, which allows the student to solve, gradually, problems of the reality of their field of action, a task in which the discipline Investigative Labor Training in the career Bachelor in Language therapy occupies the central position due to its role in the comprehensive education of the university student and its interdisciplinary nature. Through interdisciplinary work, a system of integrative exercises was established for the development of professional skills in students of the career. During the 2017-2018 school year, the career at Oriente university had an enrollment of 120 students who were considered as a sample, as well as 15 teachers. Methods such as analysis-synthesis, systemic structure and modeling were used. These methods made it possible to determine the methodological structure of the exercises. The system of integrative exercises was applied evidencing a qualitative and quantitative increase in the results achieved by the students which demonstrates its validity and possibilities of extension and systematization.


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How to Cite
Fornaris Méndez, M., & Huepp Ramos, F. L. (2019). The integrative exercises in the discipline of Investigative Labor Training in the speech therapy career. Mendive. Journal on Education, 17(4), 524–538. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Miladis Fornaris Méndez, Universidad de Oriente. Departamento Educación Especial-Logopedia

Profesora Auxiliar. Licenciada en Defectología. Master en Ciencias de la Educación

Félix Lázaro Huepp Ramos, Universidad de Oriente

Licenciado en Logopedia

Licenciado en pedagogía psicología

Máster en Investigación Educativa

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas


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