Prevention of adolescent pregnancy: a challenge for the sexual education

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Georgina Amayuela Mora
Sonia Patricia Ubillús Saltos


In Ecuador the profound social, have been creating the conditions for the development of new conceptions in the education of the sexuality. The necessity of taking actions in relation with the education of the sexuality is a challenge for the educators and the health personal. The objective of this paper is to offer psycho-pedagogical foundations for the prevention of adolescent pregnancy Theoretical and empiric methods were used in the present investigation, mainly. The work provides a system of psycho-pedagogical grounds to take into account in any proposal for adolescent pregnancy prevention.


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Amayuela Mora, G., & Ubillús Saltos, S. P. (2015). Prevention of adolescent pregnancy: a challenge for the sexual education. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(4), 522–527. Retrieved from


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