The environmental education in students of Automobile Vehicles Mechanics: characterization of their development

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Kenia Baro
Luis Alfredo González Collera


The article addressed a topic of special importance for Technical and Professional Education, related with the formation and development of the Environmental Education. Their essential objective was managed to establish the main characteristics of the development of this education in the students of 1er year of the Automobile Vehicles Mechanical in the Center Polytechnic  "Primero de Mayo". The investigation had descriptive character and it assumed a mixed focus. For the characterization they were used a group of theoretical methods (historical and logical, analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction) and empiric (interviews to students, interviews to professors, observation to classes and the acting of the students) that allowed to obtain the necessary information to give an answer to the problem outlined in the referred school. Among the obtained results of more impact of the realized characterization it can be pointed out: the lacks of previous knowledge on the environmental education and the little domain of the environmental problems that the students of the referred specialty present, of what the difficulties are inferred that they present the educational ones when working the contents of the subjects. Finally, we conclude standing out the importance of the formation and development of the environmental contents as knowledge, abilities and professional securities the graduate of the studied specialty.shuold posses.


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How to Cite
Baro, K., & González Collera, L. A. (2017). The environmental education in students of Automobile Vehicles Mechanics: characterization of their development. Mendive. Journal on Education, 15(4), 423–433. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Kenia Baro, Centro Politecnico Industrial "1ro de Mayo"

Profesora de la asignatura Técnicas del Centro Politecnico Industrial "1ro. de Mayo"

Luis Alfredo González Collera, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca"

Profesor del departamento de Pedagogía y Psicología


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