The teleclass and the video class: New challenges the teaching-learning process

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Aida Ma. Carpio Polo
Marcia Nancy Figueroa Sierra
Armando José Eliot Fuentes


In Cuba, the audiovisual means as educational support represent a reality which demands teachers and students of new approaches in the teaching and learning activity. In this article the authors particularize in the category of audiovisual to television and video in their dimension as teaching aids and starting from the summary of the most positive experiences in didactics, they make precisions that are a methodological alternative whose value is to
define the teacher's actions considering three moments: before, during and after the observation.


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How to Cite
Carpio Polo, A. M., Figueroa Sierra, M. N., & Eliot Fuentes, A. J. (2005). The teleclass and the video class: New challenges the teaching-learning process. Mendive. Journal on Education, 3(2), 106–110. Retrieved from


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