Marti Translation: source of general culture

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Yinmia Reyes Blanco
Aymeé Iglesias Hernández


Article Translation martiana: Source of a general culture aims to link the translation work done by José Martí with our conception of formation of a general culture in our people, based on knowledge of the history of all peoples of the world and fundamentally from Latin America. His translated works are a source of culture and wealth that have helped us for many years in the education of our generations; however a lot to know about Marti translation and above all, give it the importance it has in our battle of ideas and the formation of a cultured and free. He emphasizes the richness of Marti's thought and how it has served as a beam of light and example to our revolution in these troubled times.


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How to Cite
Reyes Blanco, Y., & Iglesias Hernández, A. (2003). Marti Translation: source of general culture. Mendive. Journal on Education, 2(1), 54–61. Retrieved from


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