The making of marionettes like expression of the creative potentialities in the students from Preschool Education career

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Maydel Angueira Gato
Neyda Alonso Hernández
Magalis Expósito Mezquía


Th is article refers some considerations related to the confection of different types of puppets used i n the insti tutional and no - institutional way to work in the different acti vities of the educative process, r esulting to be necessary abilities that should be formed in students of the Early Childhood Education (Pre - school) career, since the knowledge they possess res ults in being very incipient for the conducting of the educative process with the use of these aids, therefore it is require d creative potentials th at favour the elaboration of new products, such as sensibility and aesthetic intellect.


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How to Cite
Angueira Gato, M., Alonso Hernández, N., & Expósito Mezquía, M. (2015). The making of marionettes like expression of the creative potentialities in the students from Preschool Education career. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(2), 169–178. Retrieved from


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