Some considerations about the formation of values in adolescents with emotional - behavioral, boarders at the "Isabel Rubio Diaz" Entire Formation School in Pinar del Rio

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Yanela Castillo Díaz


We are in presence of the initial phase of the study which contains the theoretical notes about the formation of values in tee nagers with affective - behavioral deviations in the "Isabel Rubio Diaz" Entire Formation School in Pinar del Río . The sample selected is intentional of subject types, since it will be conf ormed by the total amount of the boarder students in the school, carr ying out an initial diagnosis to know the current state of their formation of values and later on to elaborate and implement a system of work shops that contributes to their formation, being in fact this the general objective of the study. Theoretical and e mpiric methods will be used for the development of the work, mainly the participatory and technical methods such as participatory - action research, and techniques as interviews, surveys and participant observations to people that are part of the sample.


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How to Cite
Castillo Díaz, Y. (2014). Some considerations about the formation of values in adolescents with emotional - behavioral, boarders at the "Isabel Rubio Diaz" Entire Formation School in Pinar del Rio. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(1), 62–69. Retrieved from


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