The evaluation and qualification processes: its approach on the subject of Technical Drawing

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Luis Lutgardo Díaz Crespo
Luis Hernández Martínez
Omar Crespo Pérez


Learning acquired by engineering students in technical drawing lessons through the work done by them, should be monitored, analyzed and assessed by the teacher in a conscious act from the proper application of the evaluation and qualification processes to achieve their disposition to active learning self-regulated learning. A proper evaluation system implemented consisting of systematic assessments in workshop lessons will imply a bet ter academic performance of students. This is the topic treated in this article.


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How to Cite
Díaz Crespo, L. L., Hernández Martínez, L., & Crespo Pérez, O. (2013). The evaluation and qualification processes: its approach on the subject of Technical Drawing. Mendive. Journal on Education, 12(1), 3–8. Retrieved from


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