Cuban and antinjerencismo in the Government of the Hundred Days

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Lourdes María Rodríguez Rodríguez


This article in essence expresses the characteristics of a government of the Neocolonial Republic, known by its heterogeneous distinction, and for its revolutionary projection in correspondence with the moment they lived, not only in its internal projection, but also in its foreign policy, in the international relationships area as a common expression of a Latin American feeling, that for the decade of the 30', it was an irrevocable reality: the anti colonial feeling; therefore it allows a better understanding of the process of formation of the nationality and of the Cuban nation, main objective of the study programs of the subject History of Cuba.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Rodríguez, L. M. (2004). Cuban and antinjerencismo in the Government of the Hundred Days. Mendive. Journal on Education, 3(1), 15–20. Retrieved from


-Salvador Vilaseca, miembro del Directorio Estudiantil Universitario del `30, y del Gobierno de los Cien Días como funcionario en el Ministerio de Educación. En testimonio, enero de 1998.

-Citado por Huch Thomas en: Cuba lucha por la libertad 1762-1970. Tomo II 1909-1958 p.869-883. La sublevación de noviembre.

-Citado por Huch Thomas en: Cuba lucha por la libertad 1762-1970. Tomo II 1909-1958 p.869-883. La sublevación de noviembre.

-Huch Thomas en: Obra citada p.835.

-Ibídem p.867.

-Carlos Calixto Masó. Historia de Cuba.