Educational City between the public and the popular

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Rosana Cesaroni


Public education in Argentina lives a strong curricular transformation at all levels of the system chasing utopia to create conditions for a fairer society by restoring the right to education being the founding core teaching. In this regard the training of future teachers, commitment which must assume the higher education by instituting processing practices with a te acher trainer positioned in times of complexity with the ability of question ing and be interpellated - are recipes without certainties working with potential. This professional experience with students from 1st year of Faculty of Primary Education was axis to develop PEDAGOGICAL practices in social organizations and not formal spaces considering the city as educator using the SOCIAL experience device built from the POPULAR education strategies taken from Paulo Freire and his Dialogic pedagogy sustained by t he dialectical link "the educator is educated while he educates in a political educational work" adding also the idea of the trip that is given by the educational process taken from Simon Rodríguez.


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How to Cite
Cesaroni, R. (2012). Educational City between the public and the popular. Mendive. Journal on Education, 10(4), 315–322. Retrieved from


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