The care of children of 0-1 year old

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Olga Lidia González González


Attention to early ages has been achieved due to the non-conditional work done by doctors and nurses a s the main doers of the non - formal ways of the preschool education. Researchers have demonstrated that the difficulties in the education of children at early ages are explained through causes that have a subjective character; for instance, problems about t he organization of family life, lack of knowledge about the appropriate use of the resources that are available for improving the school schedule, the mother nursing, ablactating, the psychomotor and emotional development. This article offers a group of re commendations, in terms of minimal elements necessary for the formation and the development of children from 0 to 1 year old.


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How to Cite
González González, O. L. (2011). The care of children of 0-1 year old. Mendive. Journal on Education, 10(1), 54–60. Retrieved from


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