An approach to the application of the theory of P. Ya. Galperin in the initial training of Mathematics career - Physics

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Evelio Guillermo Pozo Velázquez
Julián Herrera Fuentes
Juan Osmani Montesino Suárez


This article aims at the development of a teaching–learning process based on the conception of the theory about the formation planned and stages of the measuring skill given by P. Ya Galperin, applied to the first ́year student in the studies of Physics and Mathematics. The measuring skill constitutes one of the professional abilities conceived for professors´ formation of professors who teach Physics in high school.


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How to Cite
Pozo Velázquez, E. G., Herrera Fuentes, J., & Montesino Suárez, J. O. (2010). An approach to the application of the theory of P. Ya. Galperin in the initial training of Mathematics career - Physics. Mendive. Journal on Education, 8(3), 213–217. Retrieved from


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