Theoretical conception of physical-therapeutic orientation for chronic ischemic cardiac patients in phase III
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Cardiovascular diseases are increasing every day in the world population and are the first cause of death. The current situation shows that failures occur in the community after medical discharge that do not promote a quick and sustainable recovery of these patients. The article presented aims to socialize a theoretical conception of physical-therapeutic orientation for Chronic Ischemic Heart Patients in Phase III, in which the analytical-synthetic theoretical methods have been used to deepen the theoretical foundations, inductive-deductive to know in its essence the studied process and deduce its most specific particularities, the historical-logical to look for the background of how this problem has been addressed previously and the systemic-structural-functional due to the system character that was given to the conception. Among the empirical methods and techniques used were document analysis, which allowed the study of instruments involved in the process, observation and interviews that made it possible to approach the process in practice, and the criteria of specialists that allowed the assessment of the feasibility and importance of the theoretical concept provided. In addition, mathematical-statistical methods were used, fundamentally in the diagnosis carried out prior to the creation of the theoretical concept of physical-therapeutic orientation for Chronic Ischemic Heart Patients in Phase III. This theoretical concept contributes to the reintegration of these patients into work and all social activities, with a healthy lifestyle and responsible behavior. In this way, it is possible to reduce mortality and morbidity due to this cause.
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