Experience from practice: the strategy of methodological work in the Collective of Carrera

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Letycia del Loreto Valdés Millares
Rubén Pascual Ordaz Lorenzo


The strategy presented, constitutes an instrument for improving the methodological work of the Specialty Staff: General and Entirely Formed Teacher for Secondary Schools who are trained at the University of Pedagogic Sciences “Rafael Maria de Mendive“. It is a flexible proposal, of easy adaptation and especially it allows itsenrichment from the educational practice, bearing in mind the experience, the level of creativity of the persons who arrange it and the requirements of th ecurricular model of the specialty.


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del Loreto Valdés Millares, L., & Ordaz Lorenzo, R. P. (2009). Experience from practice: the strategy of methodological work in the Collective of Carrera. Mendive. Journal on Education, 7(4), 261–265. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/387


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