Factors that affect the teaching-learning of mathematics in Economic Sciences university students

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Jesús Zaratoga Martínez
Norma Yadira Memije Alarcón
Perla Elizabeth Ventura Ramos


The article addresses an experience that centered on the university student and its relationship with the teaching-learning process. The objective was aimed at socializing the main results of a research about the teaching-learning process, failure and evaluation of university students of the Bachelor's degree in Economics. The research carried out responded to a mixed, quantitative-qualitative design, with a predominance of the quantitative approach. To collect the data, questionnaires and interviews were applied, in addition to descriptive statistics, for the collection and subsequent analysis of the information. The main findings were identified as causes of failure: difficulty in understanding the subject of Mathematics I, difficulties in understanding and clarity of the topics covered, with absences from classes being the cause of the greatest number of failures; Other factors were the lack of study habits and not having adequate academic foundations at the level of education, inadequate social conditions, low personal self-esteem, high anxiety rates, as well as limitations in arithmetic and algebraic skills. The conclusions allowed us to reflect on three essential factors: the learning activities, the characteristics of what to learn and the nature of the materials.


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How to Cite
Zaratoga Martínez, J., Memije Alarcón, N. Y., & Ventura Ramos, P. E. (2023). Factors that affect the teaching-learning of mathematics in Economic Sciences university students. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(4), e3512. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/3512


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