Graph time: content History or Mathematics?

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Víctor José Hernández Rodríguez
Justo Nilo Martínez Suárez
María Antonia Dopico Reyes


In teaching of History at the school, for the temporary location of the fats that are studied, is used a straight representation: a straight line o r half straight line (number ray). Such representation is part of the content of the subject Mathematics. which since earlier grades the students recieve. The article remarks two facts: first the cross di sciplinary relationship that is seen between these two subjects through this aspect of the content in both though with different approaches taking into consideration didactics; and second how to support and complement each other, just to mention the Mathem atics Leading Program.


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How to Cite
Hernández Rodríguez, V. J., Martínez Suárez, J. N., & Dopico Reyes, M. A. (2009). Graph time: content History or Mathematics?. Mendive. Journal on Education, 7(2), 103–107. Retrieved from


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