Methodology for the development of spelling competence with a recreational approach

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Abraham Ignacio Morla Guerrero
Ramón Luis Herrera Rojas


The development of orthographic competence, as a singular component of the teaching-learning of spelling, remains fully valid today, since people in a general sense, and adolescents specifically, present countless writing errors from the first school grades to professional level, which affect the communication process. The objective of this article is to disseminate the main findings of the research carried out at the high school level in the Dominican Republic to transform this reality. The research approach was qualitative, from the application of a systematization of experiences of its main author, enriched with other methods of the theoretical and empirical levels. The results showed different regularities based on the analysis of the declared essential categories: teaching-learning of spelling, development of spelling competence and playful approach. The contradiction that exists between the insufficient development of orthographic competence in the students of the selected sample and their perceptions about it was demonstrated. The main scientific result was a methodology with a playful approach for the development of orthographic competence, which is applicable to different contexts, if it is adapted to existing conditions. This methodology considers the existing theoretical references, related to the teaching-learning of spelling, which, it could be determined, did not manage to organically integrate the needs, interests, and motivations of secondary level students.


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How to Cite
Morla Guerrero, A. I., & Herrera Rojas, R. L. (2023). Methodology for the development of spelling competence with a recreational approach. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(3), e3409. Retrieved from


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