Self-reflection. A connection point between the interior and the professional development of the sports teacher

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Tania Rosa García Hernández
Ana Caridad Veitia Acosta


Self-reflection is an important part of the continuous improvement process itself, to understand why and how decisions are made. The sports teacher must take the time to look at himself, and his work offers him the opportunity to recognize strengths and challenges and to improve his skills. The article aimed to socialize self-reflection as a way to establish cognitive relationships that are revealed in the process of professional improvement of sports teachers. It showed a triad between professional improvement, self-reflection and sports professionals, for their professional and personal performance, as it allows them to instruct and educate athletes in pedagogical activity, which is manifested by integrating knowledge and raising it to the level of professional application, mastering the technique to stay updated, investigate, know how to establish links with the social context and management of human and material resources. Scientific methods such as documentary analysis, process observation, survey and methodological triangulation were used, with descriptive mathematics the collected information was tabulated. The main result is the necessary and rapid intervention in the preparation and updating of a new sports professional: reflective, competent, critical, which requires developing alternative thinking through constant improvement in the current issues of his specialty; At the same time, it promotes self-reflection to judge professional activity, determine successes and errors, achieve their involvement to act on the change of their points of view, work styles and modes of action.


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How to Cite
García Hernández, T. R., & Veitia Acosta, A. C. (2024). Self-reflection. A connection point between the interior and the professional development of the sports teacher. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(1), e3394. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Tania Rosa García Hernández, University of Pinar del Río, Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca. Faculty of Physical Culture Nancy Uranga Romagoza

Profesora Titular. Doctora en Ciencias de la Cultura Física.  Universidad de Pinar del Río Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca.  Centro de Estudios del Entrenamiento Deportivo en el Alto Rendimiento.Jefa del Proyecto: Gestión y sostenibilidad del deporte en la pirámide de alto rendimiento.

Ana Caridad Veitia Acosta, University of Pinar del Río Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca. University Extension Department. Cuba

Profesora Asitente. Licenciada en Psicología. Máster en Desarrollo Social.


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