Some elements concerning science and technology in the curriculum of the subject Philosophy and Society

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Mayra Matías Rodríguez


This article is guided towards the theoretical grounds of the design process of teaching-learning in Philosophy and Society subject for students of Sociology of Pinar del Río University, centered in the study of the social problems of science and the technology, which can be applied to the educational practices through a program, in such a way that it allows to widen the entire vision of science and technology as social processes. These changes in the teaching process of this university field would give a turn to the roled played by the personal and non personal components, and it would allow us to elaborate a program directed to the understanding of the technological scientific development as a social process related to those that are studied in the specialty, and it corresponds with the system of contents of the discipline that should contribute to the Sociologist's entire formation.


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How to Cite
Matías Rodríguez, M. (2009). Some elements concerning science and technology in the curriculum of the subject Philosophy and Society. Mendive. Journal on Education, 7(2), 83–89. Retrieved from


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