The teaching and learning of mathematics in the formation of the Technical degree in Computer Science

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Leonel Reinoso Acosta
Antonia Mariluz Rodríguez Solís
María Victoria Hernández Rodríguez


Criteria are dealt, in particular, about the conceptual connotation and practice of the institutional project or the school as a particular type of educative project, because it is a developing, participative and sustainable way for the generation of the Educational and Scientific Activity aimed at the search of quality and excelence in the Cuban pedagogical context nowadays. The considerations stated have been lived by the authors through the “Consultant Center for the Stimulation of the Verbal Talent” Project performed in the Provincial Elementary School of Reference “Dalquis Sánchez Pupo”, in Holguin province.


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How to Cite
Reinoso Acosta, L., Rodríguez Solís, A. M., & Hernández Rodríguez, M. V. (2008). The teaching and learning of mathematics in the formation of the Technical degree in Computer Science. Mendive. Journal on Education, 7(1), 10–14. Retrieved from


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