Attitudes towards mathematics in high school students: Presentation and description of results

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Rosario Araceli Esquivel Mejia


The difficulty that students present towards learning mathematics and that is evidenced in the low results obtained in standardized evaluations makes it necessary to know the attitudes that students manifest towards this subject. This article aimed to present and describe the results of the attitudes shown by high school students towards mathematics. To carry out this study, the Auzmendi Scale of Attitudes towards Mathematics, 1992, was used. This instrument has five factors: Utility, Anxiety, Confidence, Pleasing and Motivation. The sample consisted of 212 high school students from a Peruvian public educational institution. For the development of this research, a simple descriptive design was used. The applied instrument has a high internal consistency and an important validity criterion with respect to each factor. The results obtained showed that the majority of students show a medium level in the factors of anxiety, liking and usefulness, while the low level predominates in the motivation factor and the high level for the trust factor. For this reason, we conclude that the majority of students show a medium level on the scale of attitudes towards mathematics.


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How to Cite
Esquivel Mejia, R. A. (2023). Attitudes towards mathematics in high school students: Presentation and description of results. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(4), e3231. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Rosario Araceli Esquivel Mejia, Universidad Cesar Vallejo



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