Exploratory study of the mode of action of the musician-pedagogue from the experience of outstanding teachers

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Nadiesha Teresa Barceló Reina


Starting from the fact that the artistic-pedagogical mode of action is a particular type of action within the pedagogical activity -which constitutes the main reference for the formation of the musician in this area- in this work an exploration was carried out that had the objective of explaining the content singular of the modes of performance of the musician-pedagogue, with emphasis on the modes and qualities of action displayed by professionals in this field. For this, the methods were used: content analysis of the pedagogical work written by six music teachers with an important influence in Cuba, the systematization of the criteria expressed in interviews with four teachers with a long history and achievements in this type of practice. in the country, the results of the participant observation carried out by the author to teaching categorization exercises in the Faculty of Music of the University of the Arts, the comparison and triangulation of the information provided by each of the methods used. As a result, it is possible to offer an image of the essence and main features that define and typify the teaching work of the musician.


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How to Cite
Barceló Reina, N. T. (2022). Exploratory study of the mode of action of the musician-pedagogue from the experience of outstanding teachers. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(4), 1237–1254. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/3041
Author Biography

Nadiesha Teresa Barceló Reina, Universidad de las Artes, ISA

Graduada de Licenciada en Educación Musical por el ISP Rafael María de Mendive, Pinar del Río. Master en Ciencias de la Educación por el IPLAC. Profesora de Pedagogía Musical y Didáctica de la Música en la Universidad de las Artes, ISA, desde 2009. Directora Docente Metodológica de la Universidad de las Artes, ISA 2014-2019. Jefa de departamento de Dirección Musical de Sonido en la Facultad de Música de la Univeridad de las Artes, ISA desde 2019


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