The holistic approach as a conception of scientific research in the educational sphere

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Arturo Pulido Díaz
David Lorenzo Santamaría Cuesta


This article constitutes one of the ways to promote an effective pedagogical process. However, teachers in the role of researchers and tutors have not enough theoretical basis to conceive the scientific activity. That is why the present article offers a set of theoretical elements that characterizes the so called ENTIRE RESEARCH A PPROACH, used to research and solve the current Cuban Educational System shortcomings. The theoretical bases given takes into account the studies carried out by outstanding Cuban specialists on Methodology of Educational Research.


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How to Cite
Pulido Díaz, A., & Santamaría Cuesta, D. L. (2008). The holistic approach as a conception of scientific research in the educational sphere. Mendive. Journal on Education, 6(3), 188–193. Retrieved from


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