Methodology for the treatment of content on climate change in the Physics discipline

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Eduardo Felipe Domínguez Nápoles
Rolando Borrero Rivero
Víctor Manuel Cortina Bober


Raising the perception of risk, increasing the level of knowledge and the degree of participation of the university community in confronting climate change is a priority for the Cuban University. The objective of the research was to present a methodology for the treatment of the content on climate change in the Physics discipline in the Agronomy career that is characterized by being systemic, integrating, flexible, developing and generalizing that allows integrating the contents of the discipline the bases of climate change in the teaching-learning process. The methods used were the following: criticism and source analysis, critical opinion and collective construction workshop, observation, documentary review and interview. The article refers to the stages in which the methodology and procedures that teachers must undertake to treat the contents on climate change and the appropriation by students of an environmental culture are structured. It is concluded that the methodology has demonstrated its effectiveness in practice, while transformations are observed in the way of acting of those involved to face and mitigate the effects of climate change. The research is part of the project Training of the University Professional for the Management of Local and Sustainable Development of the Las Tunas territory attached to the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Las Tunas.


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How to Cite
Domínguez Nápoles, E. F., Borrero Rivero, R., & Cortina Bober, V. M. (2022). Methodology for the treatment of content on climate change in the Physics discipline. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(4), 1254–1268. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Eduardo Felipe Domínguez Nápoles, Universidad de Las Tunas

Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Las Tunas

Rolando Borrero Rivero, Universidad de Las Tunas

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor Titular del Centro de Estudio de Dirección adscripto a la Facultad de Cieincias Económicas

Víctor Manuel Cortina Bober, Universidad de Las Tunas

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor Titular. Vicerrector de Formación del Profesional


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