Strategy management of the university extension at the universities of medical sciences

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José Ángel Véliz Gutiérrez
Mercedes González Fernández-Larrea
Noarys Pérez Díaz


University extension, given its importance and complexity, must be framed in its corresponding expression within strategic planning, both at the level of the Higher Medical Education system, as well as that of the institutions themselves and their structures. It is proposed to design a strategy that allows the application of an extension management model in the Universities of medical sciences. The structural systemic and modeling method was used for the elaboration of the proposed model. Group interviews and brainstorming were carried out, which allowed obtaining and analyzing the external and internal forces that facilitated the identification of positive and negative elements, inside and outside the system of Health-related management and extension process in universities of medical sciences, the SWOT matrix was applied to obtain an overview of the strategic situation. The strategy developed, as it corresponds to the university extension management model designed in the Universities of medical sciences integrated into the health system, contributes to the improvement of this process on solid theoretical bases and with a strong scientific foundation. The determination of the strategic actions for the implementation of the proposed model, determines the essential patterns to establish the conditions, which in the order of communication, the coordination between the different levels and the creation of a favorable climate, among others, lays the foundations. For a new vision of the management of the extension, process in the Universities of medical sciences.


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How to Cite
Véliz Gutiérrez, J. Ángel, González Fernández-Larrea, M., & Pérez Díaz, N. (2022). Strategy management of the university extension at the universities of medical sciences. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(2), 494–510. Retrieved from


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