Developer attending the meeting as a way of teaching organization in the process of universalization of higher education

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Ihosvany Díaz Valdés
Angel Daniel López Valdés


In this article it is presented a group of concepts, dimensions and subdimension s related with the developing teaching learning process, treated in the methodological lesson taught in ̈ Carlos Ulloa’s school in Pinar del Río; besides, it is of our interest that all of the aspects mentioned before would be taught in the workshops of each lesson, making emphasis on the different tools provided by it’s application in the formation of the future teachers.


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How to Cite
Díaz Valdés, I., & López Valdés, A. D. (2007). Developer attending the meeting as a way of teaching organization in the process of universalization of higher education. Mendive. Journal on Education, 6(1), 5–11. Retrieved from


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