The thematic poles in the poetry of Dulce Maria Loynaz

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Teonila Álvarez Echevarría


Fascination and homesickness will communicate campeadora these verses and, at the time when he wrote, "tenth muse". By the power itself to be drawn from them it is that I believe that the approach and much more, make an assessment of the poetry of Dulce Maria Loynaz is an arduous task. Point and apart from the modesty of the epigraph that precede these notes, poetry is all his work, full of that difficult sprouted simplicity of poetic skills and attitudes essential, which is diluted in rich expressions in Honduras, charged with inscrutable lyrics potential


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How to Cite
Álvarez Echevarría, T. (2007). The thematic poles in the poetry of Dulce Maria Loynaz. Mendive. Journal on Education, 5(3), 233–237. Retrieved from


- Álvarez, Echevarria Teonila: Los polos temáticos en la poesía de Dulce María Loynaz(Conferencia central IV Evento Iberoamericano sobre la vida y la obra de Dulce María Loynaz. Pinar del Río. Dic. 2004).

- Loynaz, Dulce María: Poesía Completa. Editorial arte y Literatura. Ciudad de la Habana.

- Mostaza, Bartolomé: “Ya”. (Periódico). Madrid. 25. oct. 1953.

- Vitier, Cintio: Lo cubano en la poesía. Editorial Letras cubanas. Ciudad de la Habana.