The ethical training needs of the Bachelor of Accounting and Finance. Case study: University of Cienfuegos

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Yoania Castillo Padrón


The training process of the university level students of the Bachelor of Accounting and Finance career, presented certain aspects that were analyzed and addressed in the research, to contribute to forming a professional committed to their work and to the society in which they are inserted, being able to solve problems, demonstrating ethical and professional ways of acting. In this sense, it is necessary to provide the student with a solid ethical training that allows him to face the work environment with responsibility. The objective of this work is to analyze the way of perceiving the ethical training of students of accounting sciences. In order to carry out this study, the elements stated in the curriculum of the career and the criteria of students, teachers and graduates were taken into consideration. Different methods are used, from the theoretical level the historical-logical, the analytical-synthetic and the inductive-deductive; of the empirical level, the documentary review, the survey, the interview, the triangulation in addition to the techniques of Mathematical Statistics. The results obtained demonstrate a marked dissatisfaction about the scarce provision of content that addresses professional ethics during the career, recognizing the need to promote and improve the ethical training of university accounting students to develop work practice in teaching units or labor entities base.


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How to Cite
Castillo Padrón, Y. (2021). The ethical training needs of the Bachelor of Accounting and Finance. Case study: University of Cienfuegos. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(4), 1116–1126. Retrieved from


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