Popular Environmental Education, a methodological conception to favor sustentable pedagogy/La educación popular ambiental, concepción metodológica a favor de una pedagogía sustentable

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María de los Angeles Pérez Hernández


Environmental training focused on a participatory educational proposal constitutes the basis for a sustainable pedagogy. The objective of this article is to establish the theoretical-methodological contribution of Popular Environmental Education to environmental training at the Center for Environmental Research and Services, ECOVIDA. From the empirical methods: documentary analysis, systematization and research-action-participation and as part of this, the techniques: participant observation and discussion groups, the state of training is diagnosed and the need to act on the existing problem: how to improve environmental training in the Environmental Research and Services Center, ECOVIDA for the development of an inclusive environmental worldview in social actors and their management practices? From the pedagogical accumulation of specialists from the center and their contributions to a sustainable pedagogy that advocates for the defense of life, it is possible to systematize and collectively build a participatory methodological conception of Popular Environmental Education, with pedagogical principles and methodological criteria oriented to the transforming act of social actors and their practices. This result contributes to the improvement of ECOVIDA's environmental training and facilitates the incidence of social actors in environmental policy with participatory environmental management practices. It promotes the articulation of community actors and experiences, and intends a dialogue of knowledge and learning, which reinforce a counterhegemonic and integrative environmental worldview to neoliberal paradigm, and shows the innovative character of this educational conception that contributes to a sustainable pedagogy.


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How to Cite
Pérez Hernández, M. de los A. (2021). Popular Environmental Education, a methodological conception to favor sustentable pedagogy/La educación popular ambiental, concepción metodológica a favor de una pedagogía sustentable. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(2), 506–523. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/2345
Author Biography

María de los Angeles Pérez Hernández, Centro de Investigaciones y Servicios Ambientales, ECOVIDA

Profesora auxiliar.Departamento de Estudios Sociculturales.Universidad Hermanos Saíz. Especialsta ambiental e investigadora agregada del Centro de Investigaciones y Servicios Ambientales, ECOVIDA.Centro de Educación y Promoción para el Desarrollo Sostenible, CEPRODESO


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