Perceptions of principals and teachers on democratic management processe/Percepciones de directores y profesores sobre procesos de gestión democrática

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Custódio Teresa Cauaia
Reinaldo Meléndez Ruiz
Paulo Sergio García


The study carried out made it possible to diagnose the perceptions of principals and teachers about some democratic management processes in the schools of a Pedagogical Influence Zone of the municipality of Chitato in the province of Lunda-Norte in Angola. This is a mixed investigation in which bibliographic and documentary review were used as methods and interviews were applied. The theoretical references focused on democratic management. Regarding the potentialities, the diversity of experience of the professionals; the fact that all schools are close together, which facilitates the interaction of school actors; the possibilities of exchanging experiences throughout the trainings; among others. As needs, the question of meetings and training activities in the Pedagogical Influence Zone can be pointed out. They focus only on some pedagogical aspects, putting aside relevant discussions in relation to the action plans of teachers and managers, evaluative and didactic practices and new methodologies that can improve school quality, among other sections; the fact that few meetings of the school councils occur in the Pedagogical Influence Zone during the year and, in this way, contribute little to the democratic management of schools. In conclusion, the research subjects presented diverse profiles and needs and potentialities in some processes of democratic management, which form a particular representation of a Pedagogical Influence Zone of the municipality of Chitato, in the province of Lunda Norte in Angola, which cannot be widespread.


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How to Cite
Teresa Cauaia, C., Meléndez Ruiz, R., & García, P. S. (2021). Perceptions of principals and teachers on democratic management processe/Percepciones de directores y profesores sobre procesos de gestión democrática. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(2), 432–445. Retrieved from


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