Relationship between emotional intelligence and mathematical skills in high school students

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Medalit Nieves Salcedo Rodriguez
Mateo Dolores Pérez Vázquez


Various studies have reported that emotional intelligence is a predictive factor of academic performance, so this work aimed to establish the relationship between the traits of emotional intelligence and mathematical skills presented by students from the pre-university center of the National University José Faustino Sánchez Carrión (CPU-UNJFSC) from Lima Peru. A descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational quantitative study was proposed in a sample of 226 pre-university students enrolled in the CPU-UNJFSC, who applied a modified emotional intelligence questionnaire from the BarOn Emotional Coefficient Inventory and the EVAMAT test for the evaluation of competition in mathematics. 50.44 % of the students reflected a medium level of Emotional Intelligence (IE) and 72.57 % of the students presented a medium level in mathematical skills, observing a slight but significant association between both variables. Formal education must not only transmit cognitive aspects, but also include the emotional aspects, employing integrative strategies that allow the integral development of individuals and success in all the goals that are proposed.


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How to Cite
Salcedo Rodriguez, M. N., & Pérez Vázquez, M. D. (2020). Relationship between emotional intelligence and mathematical skills in high school students. Mendive. Journal on Education, 18(3), 618–628. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Medalit Nieves Salcedo Rodriguez, Universidad Nacional Jose austino Sanchez Carrion

Doctorado en Administración

Mateo Dolores Pérez Vázquez, Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca

Licenciado en Educación


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