Building a common language among pre-school teachers and therapists involved in integration of children with autism

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Patricia B. Fernández


In the integration experiences the author has gone through, he has noticed a great difficulty to be able to understand that, due to the special educational needs that children suffering of autism possess (Widespread Overturn of the Development), it is indispensable the use of specific strategies to enlarge the development at cognitive and social level of these children. Therefore some resistances usually appear, on the part of teachers and directive of initial education, in front of the use of certain strategies because they cannot discover the similarities there are among some of the resources habitually used by them in their classes and the proposals of the integrative teachers (that in our institution use the strategies of cognitive-behavioral approach). The essential difference among these proposals lies in the necessity that children with autism have of a systematizing and constant organization of the supports to avoid that they could be disorganized or isolated.


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How to Cite
B. Fernández, P. (2006). Building a common language among pre-school teachers and therapists involved in integration of children with autism. Mendive. Journal on Education, 5(1), 46–52. Retrieved from


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