The interdisciplinarity in the new concept of education in junior high school

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Juana María Piz Lanz


The present article approaches some considerations about the
interdisciplinary conception that is present in the new educational model of Cuban Secondary School , which establishes the necessity of changes in the curriculum and especially in the pedagogic formation of professors who work in this level.


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How to Cite
Piz Lanz, J. M. (2004). The interdisciplinarity in the new concept of education in junior high school. Mendive. Journal on Education, 2(4), 234–237. Retrieved from


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• MINED. Proyecto de Escuela Secundaria Básica. Versión 7, 28 de abril, 2003, p. 19.

• Luís I. Gómez. Intervención en la reunión de análisis de la estrategia a seguir en la Secundaria Básica. Curso escolar 1999-2000, Editorial MINED, p.22.

• José Martí. Obras Completas Tomo 8, Editorial Nacional de Cuba, 1963, p. 287.