Interdisciplinary relationships in the development of teachers in the area of ​​natural sciences

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Eduardo Puentes Borges


The present article offers some experiences on the application of a crossdisciplinary program for the improvement of the professors working in the area of natural sciences, who are formed by the discipline system so as we consider that the crossdisciplinary relationships constitute an indispensable condition for the development of such a necessary integrative capacity in the professor claimed in the current moments; besides, propitiating the collective work through which the student at the same time transforms the means in the learning process, he also transforms himself developing you as individuality.


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How to Cite
Puentes Borges, E. (2004).  Interdisciplinary relationships in the development of teachers in the area of ​​natural sciences. Mendive. Journal on Education, 2(3), 172–179. Retrieved from


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