Talking with the teacher about Sexual Abuse

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Ivón Piñón Pita
Odalis Gómez Moreno
María Amelia Menéndez Mena


Sexual abuse is considered another form of infantile abuse that has extended in the societies of the modern world affecting thousands of children every year. The Cuban educational policy in response to the help of childhood and their protection, favors the prevention system of the infantile sexual abuse; this task is led by the teacher due to the educative role he plays, for the possibilities offered by his proximity to the boy and the girl, for his constant work with the family and as organizer of the educational influences received by them at school, family and community. Therefore it is of vital urgency the Cuban teacher's effective preparation in the prevention of sexual abuse, so that he can respond to the demands of the society.


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How to Cite
Piñón Pita, I., Gómez Moreno, O., & Menéndez Mena, M. A. (2005). Talking with the teacher about Sexual Abuse. Mendive. Journal on Education, 3(4), 273–277. Retrieved from


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• American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (1999) Respondiendo al Abuso Sexual a los Niños y Adolescentes, No. 28, EE.UU.

• American Academy of Child and Adolescente Psychiatry.(2004) El Abuso Sexual a los Niños, No. 9, EE.UU.

• Martñinez Gómez, Cristóbal. ( 2001) Salud Familiar. Editorial Científico – Técnica. La Habana.

• Infomed Salud para la Vida. ( 2005) Prevención de la violencia sexual femenina, http://

• Juventud Rebelde. (2004) Inocencia Maltratada,

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