Sexuality education in preschool children. A challenge for the promoters of the program Educate your child

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Jacqueline Abreu Catalá


The antecedents and evolution of the process of training are referred to, particularly that offered to the promoters of the programme educate your child. The purpose of this training is to achieve an adequate professional performance of these promoters in their work with the families of these preschool infancy children, particularly important is the sexuality education in order to enhance a wholesome development of their personality since the very early ages.


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How to Cite
Abreu Catalá, J. (2016). Sexuality education in preschool children. A challenge for the promoters of the program Educate your child. Mendive. Journal on Education, 14(3), 237–242. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Jacqueline Abreu Catalá, "Universidad Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"


Departamento de Cuadros


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