Necessity of the development of the metrological culture

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Juan José Hernández-Casas


It is the professor the one in charge of con tributing to the formation of a metrological culture in the students; but he cannot be formed with what he doesn't have . I n the environment of his professional formation the re is not register of antecedent that it has been explicitly treated, not even in t he discipline which propitiate s it more . So the objective of the article is to meditate about the social necessity of the development of the metrological culture in the Mathematics and Physics professors of the Basic Secondary Education, as an important wa y to face the global problems


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How to Cite
Hernández-Casas, J. J. (2015). Necessity of the development of the metrological culture. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(2), 197–104. Retrieved from


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