Educational pedagogic tendencies in the Venezuela of the xx century: necessity of a tendency that contributes with the endogenous development of the nation

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Ramón Cisnero


This article presents an overall vision of today’ s situation of the Venezuelan education from the philosophical point of view, as well as the most relevant influences of the pedagogical tendencies and their exponents in the 20 th century and the necessary vocational orientation which must exist in Sucre Mision as a strategic programme of massiveness of the university education to develop the programmes of grade formation in contributing to the endogenous development of the Ven ezuelan Nation.


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How to Cite
Cisnero, R. (2012). Educational pedagogic tendencies in the Venezuela of the xx century: necessity of a tendency that contributes with the endogenous development of the nation. Mendive. Journal on Education, 10(2), 143–147. Retrieved from


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