Acculturation and sports language. An assessment from three languages

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Liliana Martínez Hernández
Rosa Acosta Castillo


This article presents how Russian and Spanish, with so differ ent origins, have been and still is under the influence, specifically in sport terminology, of a third language, English. We offer details about how English arrived at each one of them and how having changed the circumstances that originated its presence i n th ese languages, today it is evident the existence of English terms in both languages. Also, we present examples of how it happens in practice, as well as the m edia influence in their expansion.


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How to Cite
Martínez Hernández, L., & Acosta Castillo, R. (2011). Acculturation and sports language. An assessment from three languages. Mendive. Journal on Education, 9(3), 188–192. Retrieved from


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