Characterization of the preparation of high-performance baseball coaches for decision making from a psychological perspective
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Characterizing the preparation of the high-performance baseball coach for decision making from a psychological perspective establishes a significance for achieving adequate sports performance. The research is aimed at presenting the current state of the preparation of high-performance baseball coaches for decision making from a psychological perspective in the province of Pinar del Río. It was carried out with 27 high-performance baseball coaches from the province of Pinar del Río. The theoretical methods used were: inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic; and empirical methods: document analysis, interview, observation, decision-making questionnaire (adapted) and descriptive statistics. The results obtained reflect cognitive deficiencies in 59.25% of the coaches regarding knowledge of the particularities of decision making in training. In the procedural dimension, 70.37% of the coaches show a lack of knowledge in the ways of imparting knowledge from a psychological perspective and in the attitudinal dimension; 81.48% of coaches lack psychological counseling regarding attitudinal management of decision-making. The research concludes that the preparation of the high-performance baseball coach for decision-making from a psychological perspective presents deficiencies in the knowledge of: motivation, concentration of attention, volitional qualities and control of emotional response, analysis and management of situations, in the interpretation and selection of decisional responses, with deficiencies regarding orientation, commitment and responsibility in their attitudes.
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