Some didactic considerations for the formation of professional values ​​from the standpoint of science and technology in the universalization of education

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Mayra Matías Rodríguez


The social historical practice has demonstrated that the formation of the new generations according to the aspirations of society takes place mainly in the object, that is to say in the teaching educational process that becomes the fundamental instrument of its systemic character to satisfy the social responsibility. The future professional gr aduated from our university creates in his studies a system of professional values that will allow him the appropriation of knowledge, abilities that will give him the possibility to know the social value of the current technological scientific development and will make them see science and technology as a social process able to face the challenges of the technological scientific development of the XXI century.


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How to Cite
Matías Rodríguez, M. (2007). Some didactic considerations for the formation of professional values ​​from the standpoint of science and technology in the universalization of education. Mendive. Journal on Education, 5(2), 109–117. Retrieved from


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