Necessary potentiation of Environmental Education from Physical Education

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Margelia Bárbara Ramírez Blanco
Martín Torres Peguero
Rafael Félix Moreira Peraza


Man is a corporal being, part of the environment. His actions in the past and the present will guide his future life, for that reason it becomes inevitable to educate him, make him understand that his life in the planet is on the stake. This topic is very meaningful to his everyday activities, and much more at present when the heat-island effect is one of the most immediate problems to work out. The environmental contaminations, the climatic changes, the loss of the biological diversity, among other global problems, demand a systematic and scientific education in order to form an environmental attitude in the new generations.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Blanco, M. B., Torres Peguero, M., & Moreira Peraza, R. F. (2009). Necessary potentiation of Environmental Education from Physical Education. Mendive. Journal on Education, 7(4), 295–301. Retrieved from


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