Methodological theoretical considerations about the development of the culture of behavior in students with mental retardation

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Noelia Valdés Rojas
Tomás Roque López
Rozable Acosta Díaz


The development of the Program of preparation for the independent adult life is among the main lines of the Special Education in Cuba. Favoring the preparation for the independent adult life in mentally-retarded students is a necessity of the professors, and a way for the solution of the problems that in this matter may appear in their practical lives. The culture of behaviour is one the contents that may strengthen the preparation for the independent adult life in mentally-retarded students. Some theoretical and methodological considerations are exposed in the present article, and particularly on the rules of that social behaviour.


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How to Cite
Valdés Rojas, N., Roque López, T., & Acosta Díaz, R. (2007). Methodological theoretical considerations about the development of the culture of behavior in students with mental retardation. Mendive. Journal on Education, 6(1), 36–42. Retrieved from


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