Impact of computer science in the educational work of university student residences/Impacto de las ciencias informáticas en el trabajo educativo de las residencias estudiantiles universitarias

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Lesvy Alemán Mateo
Yarisleidy Pérez de Corcho


According to the Ministry of Higher Education, university student residences are facilities that higher education centers have to satisfy the minimum-indispensable needs of students who require the benefits of scholarship status to develop their studies and other oriented activities. A significant number of students are grouped in them for whom an educational work is carried out by certain social actors, who as a specific function of their performance perform personalized attention with them, in which the required effectiveness has not been achieved in the creative application of the "comprehensive approach to educational and political-ideological work". Its application is today limited by the insufficient systematicity with which educational work is developed. Responding to this problem, the objective of this research is to assess the impact of computer science as a support tool in educational work developed in university student residences. Different methods were used, including the analytical-synthetic, historical-logical and inductive-deductive methods and techniques such as observation, survey, and interview, as well as computer tools for software development. As a result, a computer system was obtained that contributed to the improvement of the educational work developed in the university student residences and to decision making, which concluded that the use of computer technologies is a reliable solution for the information.


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How to Cite
Alemán Mateo, L., Martínez López, J., & Pérez de Corcho, Y. (2021). Impact of computer science in the educational work of university student residences/Impacto de las ciencias informáticas en el trabajo educativo de las residencias estudiantiles universitarias. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(3), 764–777. Retrieved from


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