Importance of a strategy for work of arts education within the humanistic education in senior high schools of Pinar del Río (Diagnosis of the current state)

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Marlié Martínez Llano


The transformations that a re taking place at the moment in Preuniversity Schools in Cuba, in reference to the structuring of the study plan of Preuniversities in knowledge areas, have the objective to improve the educational process for the sake of the integral cultural formation o f the students.It is then necessary to develop with the artistic education, inside the humanist formation departing from extracurricular area directly connected with the curricular one so that it facilitates the cognitive and affective development of the students’ appreciation of arts.


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How to Cite
Martínez Llano, M. (2006). Importance of a strategy for work of arts education within the humanistic education in senior high schools of Pinar del Río (Diagnosis of the current state). Mendive. Journal on Education, 4(3), 193–198. Retrieved from


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