Management process of the university-industry relationship at the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres"

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Lisbet Martínez Gil
Romina Tanagra Oyarvide Ibarra
Félix Segundo Rosales Cortés
Mercedes Magdalena Bustos Gámez


The University-Enterprise relationship must be managed in universities, so that it can effectively contribute to the quality of professionals, the relevance of research and, in general, and the impact of the institution on the development of its environment. When perceiving some limitations of this management in the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences (FACAE in Spanish), of the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres", of the province Esmeraldas in Ecuador; a research was initiated that would allow to base a process of management of the relationship in this academic structure, to systematize and direct the actions in integration with the university substantive processes. By means of the bibliographic analysis and the survey to the professors and directors of this faculty, the theoretical and empirical elements necessary for the proposal and the regularities of the current management in this faculty are determined. In the article the foundations of the process for the management of the University-Enterprise relationship in this faculty are presented by means of principles that govern its operation; its inputs and outputs from a systemic approach, and the stages to follow; that allow the dynamism and strengthening of the interactions between both actors of local and national development.


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Martínez Gil, L., Oyarvide Ibarra, R. T., Rosales Cortés, F. S., & Bustos Gámez, M. M. (2019). Management process of the university-industry relationship at the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres". Mendive. Journal on Education, 17(3), 373–392. Retrieved from


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